When I got up this morning (like every morning), I checked my site traffic... this morning, I was so pleasantly surprised to find traffic from marthastewart.com!  Specifically from Kevin Sharkey's Blog, http://homedesign.marthastewart.com/2011/02/valentines-day-flower-inspiration.html.  Kevin, Martha Stewart Living's Editorial Director, has great style and THE most artful eye.  He is known for arranging simple and beautiful floral arrangements, giving creative and thoughtful gifts (to Martha - not me!) and is one of the founding developers of the "Martha Stewart" style. 

Kevin's Blog is a great daily read... everything from clever gifts to home design!

Kevin - Thanks for sharing my work on your blog... it is an honor!

Here are some of the ideas that Kevin shared :

Valentine's Day Flowers
Cupcake Box Creation

Chocolate Tulip Cupcakes


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